About Us
The Mauritius Bar Association (the “MBA”) is a prestigious professional body corporate formed under the Mauritius Bar Association Act 1957 pooling together the ….. [958] barristers (private practice, in-house or State Counsels) in Mauritius. It sits majestically on the 4th floor Court View Building Pope Hennessy Street in the Capital City of Port-Louis.
The seat of the MBA was inaugurated on the 9th June 2010 in the presence of distinguished personalities under the aegis of the then President, Sir Hamid Moollan QC. Today, the seat of the MBA represents a convivial and welcoming meeting place cum library where barristers, both junior and senior, unwind and exchange ideas about how to best promote eternal values as comradeship, integrity and independence.
The aims of the MBA are:
- to safeguard, maintain and promote the interests of the Mauritius Bar;
- to uphold the honour, dignity, reputation and independence of the members;
- to further the interests of members in connection with the practice of their profession;
- to encourage the study of jurisprudence and legal education;
- to improve the administration of justice in Mauritius;
- to promote and support law reform;
- to maintain the observance of professional conduct and etiquette;
- to further good relations between (a) the branches of the legal profession; (b) the Mauritius Bar and members of the public and (c) the Mauritius Bar and members of the legal profession in other countries;
- to safeguard the right of access to the courts of Mauritius for members of the public and their representation by counsel before such courts and other tribunals;
- to consider affiliation to any similar association or society in the United Kingdom and the delegation of representatives of the Association thereto; and
- to consider any action to be taken against any barrister for breach of professional conduct and etiquette and its notification to the Attorney-General.
The Bar Council is established to manage the affairs of the MBA. It consists 7 members annually elected by the Association, 2 Co-opted members 1 from the AGO & 1 from the DPP . The Council needs to have 2 barristers of at least 10 years’ standing. The President of the MBA also acts as the Chairperson of the Bar Council.
Current members of the Bar Council:
Chairperson: Anwar Abdool Hamid Moollan SC
Secretary: Bishan Ramdenee
Treasurer: Natasha Behary Paray
Member: Tsang Fan Kwet Jacques Tsang Mang Kin
Member: Avineshwur Raj Dayal
Member: Mohammad Hisham Ahmed Oozeer
Member: Mohammad Zaki Ramtoolah
Co-Opted Member: Nand Kishore Ramburn SC
Co-Opted Member: Daniel Jean Alain Dangeot
Co-Opted Member: Sharon Audrey Sandra Stephen